Thursday, September 14, 2017

More and a Little More

I've bought more seeds - sown today: cabbage, red flower french bean, Italian parsley, calendula, dahlia, sunflower, strawflower and some kailan to replace the seedlings that didn't survive heavy rain recently.

Two of the edamame plants have started to flower which I feel too quick as they are just about 20cm.

Chinese kale aka kailan.


Two of my snow pea seedlings were accidentally cut by the gardener. One doesn't look like it will survive.

Four Japanese sweet potato and 5 red okra seedlings.

So I saw rainlily is being sold at RM25 on FB and few weeks back I found them at the edge of the drain on the main street so I gathered them and planted them few days ago. Didn't expect them to bloom so quickly.

The previous tenant planted heliconia at the fence and they don't look good. They also started to grow outside the border. Look at this rogue one.

I also bought a pot of rose this morning when I went to purchased the reserved seeds.

The sole survivor of my first sunflower seedlings. Well, the rest didn't germinate. This is Autumn Beauty. 

Cempaka telur aka Magnolia Coco has grown more growth after we moved here.

Japanese rose, or actually accurately Mexican rose thriving at this sandy area despite being trampled by the dogs.

The jackfruit has fruited. Initial count is 20 fruits. This one has been dressed with a t-shirt to be protected from elements and pests.

The major pruning I did on mulberry bushes paid off. They are heavily fruiting now.

This poor fake dill went berserk after being pelted by heavy rain so I cut them off so they can grow again.

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