Thursday, February 20, 2014

Under and Over

Ha. My BF believes I fuss too much over the plants, I think so too.
Anyway, things are looking pretty good so far. I did not repot my acclimatized hydrangea, I will leave it as is for now as it's doing good on its own with new leaves growing beautifully. I repotted the Cameron hydrangea instead. The roots have grown out of the pot through the drain holes so I had to cut them off to remove it from the pot, now I have to prepare myself that some part of the plant will die. Here is how it looks like right now.

The amount of root I had to sacrifice. Sad.

I bought all my bio-degradable pots (except a ceramic pot for fiddleleaf fig) from Baba, but I sprayed paint as I wanted white. Little did I know they actually have white ones for sale! I also used their lazy soil, pre-mixed soil. However the mix is pretty inconsistent, I bought two packets and one had little small reddish stones while another a lot of huge reddish stone with balled-up brownish fibres. Sorry I still don't know about the soil terms.

Meanwhile the fiddle leaf fig loves its place next to our living room window, new leaves are growing at a rapid rate. My plumeria is doing ok too. The tip of the branch looks green and flowers are still blooming. This one is a huge test for me.
I'm still playing with the idea of getting either water lily or lotus. Oh just in case you don't know what is the difference between these two plants, here's a visual.

Nelumbo is lotus, nymphaea is water lily.

I bought a bunch of Aster today from my florist and yielded these:

I didn't waste much. The green ones are the buds with shorter stems. I also propagated the stems using root hormone, not really putting much hope as aster prefer cool western summers but yeah.

That planter was meant for the BF to plant some tomatoes but he hasn't started to doing anything yet I'll use for now.

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