Sunday, February 23, 2020

Accidental Addition

A rather impromptu trip to the local nursery (I was thinking to get a variegated pothos and a maidenhair to experiment in semi-hydroponics.) got me some free stuff. 

Peperomia prostrata aka Strings of Turtles. This is something that I never considered buying because there's no appeal. But there were a couple of strands on the floor so why not? Maybe I can sell or swap. Why are the stems not red though? And I also cut 2 cuttings to propagate in water as a safety net.

Philodendron pedatum babies. They just arrived that the staff were shifting them that some babies popped out, so why not. 

Lastly, a broken Epipremnum aureum (Pothos) NJoy which I cut into 3 separate cuttings.

 While browsing, I noticed this very attractive Asplenium nidus (very likely a Campio, Champion's Bird's Nest Fern?) and no I didn't get it. Also I didn't get the pothos and maidenhair fern. I just got myself some transparent orchid pots.

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