Let's start with something nice.
This is one weird bloom, it grew leaf in the disc.
My poor darling, magnolia lily. I really hope you would survive this.
On another hand, I found these 2 pieces of wood at the office that I thought might be suitable for fern mounting but I probably should saw off some of those tiny branches that stick out like thorn.
Scouting for the species I want has been quite discouraging despite having to confirmed with 2 sellers (one in Ipoh and another all the way in Singapore) as they are taking their time to respond to me. The agony.
So... I bought another bifurcatum. This elkhorn came with a nasty surprise - a frog. Yuck. I hate frogs. A frog jumped out from the pot and when I was trying to shoo it away, I knocked the elkhorn over and broke some of the fronds.

My hammering nail skill is somewhat improved, or not? I bought new nails this time and the hardware store guy told me to hit the nails as hard as I can to lessen the number hits therefore increasing the accuracy. Well... actually, I started off pretty well, the top right was my first attempt, both nails got hammered nicely and then for whatever reason, I started to suck at it... look at the top left. But anyway, I will re-do the first frame so I can remove those hideous strings and at the same time, to stuff more sphagnum moss to and some overripe banana. Not the skin, the flesh as someone shared with me the pesticide-laden skin killed her stag unless you are feeding the organic banana then you are fine. The things I learn!

This time, I learned to pick a good stag. It should show growth - green shields and growing fronds. What caught me off-guard though was how delicate the shields are! I cracked it while tying it with fishing line. Also this time, I nailed a few nails on the frame so I can tie the fishing line but turned out I didn't have to. The open frame design is already perfect and perhaps, I just need to hammer a slim plank behind it so I don't dirty the wall.
It also has a tiny shield and I took extra care not to be blocked by the fishing line. The fishing line I bought is also a little too thin that I need to be careful so it won't cut into the stag.
Finished product. It took the first elkhorn's place - the bathroom.
The first elkhorn is moved to above our bed.
An instagram worthy shot of the first elkhorn in its original place - bathroom.
Speaking of sphagnum moss, I'm disappointed with the one that I have because it's full of crap.
Some of the biggest crap I had to pull out from the bag. Good quality sphagnum should be pure sphagnum without any other material.
On the last note, we are looking into moving to a landed property. With that said, I would have plenty of space for gardening, be it ornamental or edibles. This is something that I tremendously look forward to. I hope to have a room full of light that I can flood them with plants like below pictures.