Saturday, April 8, 2017

Tiny Spruce Up and New Beginning

I was a little concerned with my Tuberose, although it's doing well, I thought it could need some space so separating them would be a great idea. 

I cleaned the clay and separated into 3 portions and transplanted them in a bigger planter.

After transplanting the tuberose, an inspiration to clean up and re-arrange came and it came at a very wrong time - mid-day when the sun is at its best. Spent maybe 15 minutes and here it is:

Some close ups of the plants:
Avocado Miki and Longan: Miki grew a little while I don't see Longan growing at all that's why I move to the front so Longan gets more sun.

Magnolia Coco is reputedly a slow grower but I do see new leaf buds.

Hydrangea looks great - this is before mid-day. She wilted a little when the sun was the strongest.

Highland hydrangea doesn't look like it's gonna make it judging from my experience.

I uprooted the 2 balsam plants that I had as they were infested by whiteflies and spidermites so I'm resowing new seeds. They germinated very quickly - you could see them germinated the day after.

Edamame! Just need few more days so they are more filled up.

My precious, precious PRECIOUS Magnolia Lily. I can see she's liking here, I can see her forming new leaf buds.

 I cut cordyline and put them on vase on my dining table and they rooted so I chopped them off and plunked them onto the same pot. Well look at them! I just love how crazy bright they are when they have most sun. 

This place has becoming the succulent corner.

New leaf buds forming!

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