Sunday, January 26, 2020

Spread the Love

A quick stop at the nearby nursery had me stumbled upon gorgeous Philodendron Squami and they are much cheaper! I wasn't happy with mine so I decided to get one. Look at the comparison, they are of the same price. Not only smaller, the first one was not in a good condition, her bud was totally dried out. The new one has a baby on the side too. It was a great buy. Will be combining both and possibly support her with a moss pole.

 I've been a little naughty too that I took a Monstera leaf (which has an aerial root) and will try to root it although I don't have much expectation to it since there isn't a node. Bottom is the mother plant, I feel she's been quite neglected as she grows a lot of green leaves. She's very likely to lose her mutation and very much possibly an Albo Borsigiana, a naturally mutated variegation.

I also nipped a Philodendron Hastatum baby home. 😱

Also bought Monstera Adonsonii from the local hardware store as a birthday present for SIL. Am contemplating how to glow her up because she's a hot mess! Might make a cutting to propagate for myself too.

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