Life is really weird. I mean, my obsession of indoor exotic plants came too late. Like seriously, those plants would flourish in Malaysia and they would be cheaper too. But no, that obsession has to come now, when I've moved myself all the way to the northern hemisphere.
Anyway, let the photos tell you what I've acquired for the past couple of months.
Cactusleaf fern (Selenicereus chrysocardium), she's the ugly duckling right now having a 3-prong awkwardness.
Philodendron Squamiferum. I was so excited for her arrival and she turned out to be smaller than expected. Damn false marketing.
Philodendron Hederaceum, formerly known as Philodendron Micans. I absolutely adored the leaves. Althought I have to add that I purchased a bushier and bigger plant but the seller sent me a small one. Am waiting for their refund response. I bought this together with Squamiferum (and the next 2 plants which I wasn't satisfied with. I was so looking forward to this order though. Imagine my disappointment). Absolutely annoyed with this lousy seller.
Another very awkward-looking plant - Crocodile fern (Microsorium musifolium 'Crocydyllus'). The leaves are awkwardly-grown and of different size that I'm contemplating to trim the bigger ones so they look tidier and uniformed.
Got myself another olea Europea because I gave the first away to my sister. She wanted it. It's so much smaller than advertised.
The next 2 plants I ordered via Etsy. Peperomia Obtusifolia Variegata - absolutely stunning and they are bigger than I thought, which is great by the way. Just a little unfortunate it was improperly packaged. It came out of the pot and the leaves were cracked as you can see.
I purchased another Calathea Musaica Goeppertia kegeljanii to fill up my miserable 4-leafed one but it turned out to be much smaller and shorter so it looks awkward now. Good thing is that there's a lot of new growth.
I got this from a Winter plant market and am very happy with it. Hoya Carnosa Tricolor Krimson Princess.
Got these couple of bulbs from my sister-in-law, Drimiopsis maculata (Little White Soldiers) when we went to a nursery which was having a 50% winter sale.

So erm, I smuggled in a few plants from a recent trip back home and most of them didn't survived - Ficus deltoidea, Pandanus and all-time fav, Platycerium ridleyii. Only one did (but has stunted growth, wonder if it's shock or just winter hibernation), Philodendron Pluto. This is a baby from the plant I purchased from the nursery. The mother plant was just a little too big to be packed into the luggage so now it's under the care of my sister.
Check out the gorgeous new leaf.
RIP my Ridleyii.
I found the wood from the forest so instead, I mounted a Platycerium Bifarcatum. It's also not doing so well as it's so much drier here.
The P. Bifarcatum that I got from Lidl. Cheap.
As an effort to make the cactusleaf fern nicer and fuller, I'm propagating a couple (one for sister-in-law).
I also got myself a pair of Stephania Erecta by Etsy. This I look forward to. Planting in jars to give them higher humidity.