Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ready, Get Set, Go!

The seeds I ordered from My Lestary Seeds arrived today, how brilliantly quick is that! The seller threw in a packet of bok choy/Chinese Cabbage (v. Nai You) as a gift. I was going to do an excel sheet on the planting info but well, all the packets are already labeled with them! Happy!
The other order will arrive next week instead (bummer!). I can't wait to grow the kohlrabis!

 I sowed carrots & fennels first as I'm short of sowing pots. I didn't have any markers so I DIY-ed using cable ties. 

I then scrounged through the bathroom bins for toilet rolls and found enough rolls to sow some lavender seeds. As the rolls are on the smaller side, I cut less to make the base and lined them with folded toiletpaper instead. A quick look at the kitchen bin got me a slightly soiled (by ddeokbokki we had for dinner last night)  kitchen roll which should make me at least 3 more sowing pots. Will have to wait for it to dry out after I washed the ddeokbokki off. I will be doing some origami boxes out of newspapers too since toilet rolls can be scarce. 

An update on composting, I have to put it on hold as the BF is rather against it - he's worried that the compost bin will attract flies and also produce stench. Let's see how it goes.

I've also cleaned a bit up at the balcony and cleared some space for the potager, or perhaps I should call it Gemüsegarten since I should improve my German instead French. Heh.

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