Over the past weekends, I've bought few new plants.
New lavender! Yay! Been searching for this quite some time.
Medinilla myriantha, also known as Malaysian Grape.
I also got myself an Ylang Ylang plant.
The scent of the flowers filled the balcony, no joke.
2 new ground covers that I pinched from my dad's bonsai pots.
A variety of Japanese roses, from my dad's garden. It's fuchsia, white and orange.
An Indian curry plant seedling.
Nai pak seedlings on the right, Japanese kale seedlings on the left.
Local mints that I grew from seeds which I got as a gift.
My basil seedlings revived after suffering from lack of water. Next to it was the Ylang Ylang bloom that fell off when I was transporting it to the balcony.
Supermarket lemon seedling.
2 rogue basil seedlings in my empty pot.
Wild strawberry and a random seedling - I'm keeping it for now to see what it is.
Clemson okra pod that I'm planning to let it to seed. Seems like it's reaching its end soon.
Avocado seed from my colleague's lunch that I'm germinating now.