Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Morning Update

 Ms Nancy the Hydrangea is flowering again!

 Gardenia flower buds all dried up after repot and they started to bloom again. I hope to see them this time.


Shifted my mint to the sunnier side of the balcony after not doing well. Started to thrive again. 

Solo survivor. Lavender 

Not just at the tip, the avocado starts to branch out at the mid section. Going to be branchy, this one.

 Basil doing alright.

Trimming made my rosemary very happy.

I lost the biggest raap rapini. Don't know what happened to it.

Sowed more sugar snap peas.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Up and Down

I snipped the shoot tip of the avocado plant to encourage branching last week and there seem to be 4 shoots growing.

It's been really dry lately I mulched raap rapini planter. The plants look good.

The starfish cactus suffered from the white stuff infested my plumerias. I've finally identified this variety. Some of them rotted and I managed to salvage a cutting and planted it in another pot.

Only 3 cuttings of hydrangea survived thus far. The shoot hasn't rooted yet. One roots the best.

My mini plum tomato still flowers but kept drying out.

It's been quite disappointing lately. None of the seeds I I lost another lavender seedling to dry weather.

I also lost another plumeria, this time Penang Peach. It black-rotted. Don't know what happened.